The August Groom (1938)

The August Groom


The rooster’s song brought the dawn

My mother’s picture beside the range

Gazed down on me boy and man

Twelve years she’d hung there

And still I felt her mothering care


The shunting of carriages came to my ear

Across the fields the train made ready

I hear my mother’s whisper clear

“Go now. Don’t delay

God’s blessing on your wedding day.”


Pulling the door behind me to the rooster’s cry

I Looked across to the Donegal Line

The grey black smoke puffing into the sky

Impatient to be away


I began my journey to Sion Mill

Not for me the narrow gauge

My racing bike eating up the miles

I raced towards St Theresa’s aisle


Three brides stood at the altar rails

My heart swelled with manly pride

My Madge stood there in virgin white

The only one in wedding attire


There was a twinkle in her eye

I wondered as we took our vows

Was she remembering?

Winning two silver cups at Sion sport in ‘35

At the racing bikes finale


In her humble Gallony home

Food, fit for a banquet grand

Fiddlers, pipers, tin whistle aria

Soared to the rafters

Sending sparks a-flying from the dancing

Until the globe of the rising sun

Chased away the shining mom


It was time

Time to take my new bride home

To the cottage by the Donegal rail

And my mother’s image beside the range


With sorrowing tears from her sisters many

And a father’s good wishes ringing out clearly

I claimed my bride

Safely circled in my arms the racing bike’s wheels

Hummed the wedding vows

To have and to hold from this day on

Leave family leave friends and cleave to each other.”

Gemma Hill  2020 ©





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