Category Archives: Art Tickle

Take Your Rubbish Home

Take Your Rubbish Home

He spat it out a blob of white

Our eyes followed its trajectory

It sailed and arched like a sneeze caught in the wind

Before hitting the ground

And glue-like stuck fast there

Beside my shoe  Ugh

A sight on the ground

“What the hell”! The others cried outraged

“It tasted bad, in my mouth” he smirked

“Where should I put it?

Under my desk

“It wouldn’t stick under your feet there,” he sneered

“It gets snagged in the cleaners’ hands,” they shot back

Take your rubbish home. Stop spreading filth

He shrugged, uncaring it seemed

Despite their disgust of him

And spat again

I left him there

Too enraged to say anymore


Over my shoulder I shouted loudly

“Take your rubbish home you slob.”

Gemma Hill 2019©

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Filed under Art Tickle, Poems