Category Archives: Short Stories


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War stalks me

It comes to me every day.

Crushing images consume my mind.

I tremble, silent screams fill my mind

I’m there

Each bullet engraved with the name of a friend.

Today, tomorrow

One will bear my name

I long for hearth and home,

Before that time draws near.

The war it is over they say

It stalks me

Dead faces,

Walk through my grieving soul.

My senses trick me,

Am I here or there still?

Sometimes it’s remembered

Booming gunfire bombing shells

Faceless men

Marching feet

Legless beggars in the street

Vacant faces

Whiskey foul breath

Who can blame them?

They have seen,

The Devil’s hand,

Shred men limb by limb

They fear for their immortal souls

And the strident cries

“No more war.”

Flag draped coffins

Raised high in glory

Piper’s last lamented story.

With heavy hearts and halting strides

Borne to final resting ground

Some days I wish that it was I

No more…the war is over its said

Until the next time I say

It’s there … Stalking…waiting…patiently

Gemma Hill

updated June 2024





















































Carefully, we walk the invisible line

Certain places and times

We avidly avoid

Don’t say that

Don’t mention that there

Today I am William Tomorrow I’m Liam

Depending on the area, street or lane


We share a lot you and I

We bandage our wounded

We tend to our dead

We allow other people to speak in our name

Until we are riddled with

With rumour and fear

Don’t ever forget where

We have been

And say “not in my name”

We’re not going back there again





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Filed under Poems, Short Stories


To each and every one of my readers and to the many people near and far who bought my debut books


The reviews were FIVE STAR from Amazon to local readers feedback.

May your Christmas be joyful and peaceful and may 2024 be a good year for you and yours.

May you have peace and plenty at your festive table this Christmas.

There’s a song that goes something like this –

“People like you make people like me”

So so true - you reading my stuff – keeps me writing it.


My new book is ready to go to the publishers in early January 2024.

Looking forward to that.


Thank you so much and a very Merry Christmas

Gemma Hill 2023

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Filed under Short Stories